Friday, January 27, 2012

chest wall review today :/

I was supposed to have a review up today. But I ended up being in the hospital afternoon, So I didn't get the chance to sit down and get everything together. So I didn't want you guys thinking I blew it off, So this is just a small post to let everyone know i'm okay.

I've been experincing some serious pains around my heart, So I was sent to the E.R. around 2pm and later found out I was diagnosed with costochondritis which is a.k.a. chest wall pains. If you don't know what that is, please google it lol. I don't wanna bore any one who doesn't care haha.

anyways, I promise I will have my review up tomorrow, for tonight I need to get some rest and try to feel better!

Love you  guys!!! :)